
Showing posts from September, 2020


In  times like such I find myself wondering; WHAT IS DEATH?? I s it true what people say... that in death comes peace or do they just interpret it in their own way? It it the start of a new life, or is it all just a lie? In Heaven will god call us by our names, or in Hell we shall burn in eternal flames? Is it a calm sleep of Peace and Serenity, or of sufferings and an eternity of Misery? I guess after all its our fate... That decides whether we up in Gods Grace  or with Devils hate. so many Questions, Answer to which we know none. What exactly is death? I guess we will never know Or maybe we will, when it knocks on our DOOR. I know a lot of people have lost their loved ones. As for me I am yet to witness that feeling. I myself have lost people in my life but none that were too close to me,or maybe i was too young back then, but whatever the case I am yet to experience that Sorrow, pain and hurt that people talk about. However the mere thought of it terrifies  me. But why is there such